Increasing Email Opt-In Rates

Tips for Increasing Opt-In Rates

  • Sending invites during peak open times (business days between 10-3pm)
  • Don't just send invites from our system. Send the public email signup form via text, post in your business group, or send out a message via virtual office.  Get the link for your public signup form by going to your homepage, hovering over Contact in your main menu, and clicking Email Signup. Copy that pages link, and send it out
  • Here is a sample message you could send via project broadcast or post online, "Hey! I have a new way to get Essential Oils education in your email inbox. ****your email signup page link****  Learn more about all the products YL has to offer with my "interested in YL products" series, or learn the basics of a YL business in my "business builder" series.

    If you'd just like occasional email updates and not to join a series, select "none" on the email signup page."
  • You are limited to TWO invites from inside our system before someone "subscribes". They can still sign themselves up by going to your public signup form.
  • Before you send invites, let people know to watch for your email. Depending on your wording, invites CAN end up in "promotions" folders. If your invites are ending up in spam or promotions folders, ask your contacts to move the messages to their inbox. If your messages are ending up in spam let us know.
  • Create an opt-in incentive - provide a free ebook, access to exclusive content. Here's how

People ask why we require opt-ins...

  1. The law requires that people opt in to receive your marketing emails
  2. People dislike unsolicited marketing emails and will mark them as spam. Getting marked as spam will get our email accounts banned, and will cause all of our messages to get sent to spam folders.
  3. Opt-ins ensure that the majority of the messages we're sending are to opted-in contacts. Sending mail to people who want to receive it increases open and click rates. Email providers see this activity, and are less likely to send our messages to spam folders.
  4. .... so, yes, not everyone will opt into your email list, but the people who do actually want to be contacted by you via email : )  Use all the communication tools at your disposal because they all reach different people.  Historically our open rates for our email campaigns have been 50%-60% which is very high for email marketing, and much much higher than anything you post on social media.

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