Changing your site address

Estate package members can use a custom domain like - learn more here

If you'd like to change the part of your url after it can be done, but you need to contact customer support.

Things to consider when changing your site address

  • pick something that isn't terribly long. You're better off having a site that is easy to type than one that is long and meaningful
  • If you change your address from to  your old links will no longer work. You'll need to update them wherever you have them posted. ( this is not the case with custom domains with the Estate package, your old links will forward to your custom domain)
  • Consider what people might search for when trying to find you - When people you know are looking for your site, and search on google instead of typing in your address specifically, it helps if your url is unique.  Using a clever name like lavenderlife does sound nice, but you might just be better using your name to help people find you more easily. There are a lot less search results for names (mine for example, danielberdal). If your name is Amy Johnson, you might have trouble either way! 

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